School Author Visits
Would you like to have me, Wolfgang Parker, visit your school, scout troop, reading club, or other group and talk about Crime Cats? Well, you're in luck, because I would love to! My presentation includes:
Making Crime Cats: Beginning to End, first-hand insight into being a self-published author (the good stuff, only).
The History Behind the Mystery, an introduction to the historical figures and places included in the Crime Cats books.
Q&A session with the class.
Readings from Crime Cats books.
I can even design the book order fliers with text you provide and I fulfill orders directly! Request an Author Visit form Wolfgang by using this website’s contact page.
“The author visit with Wolfgang Parker was a great success at our school. Wolfgang is very personable and has an easy rapport with students. His presentation and books are so popular that I am taking a second round of book orders! ”
“Mr. Parker masterfully infuses the community’s history into his novels and inspires those who are interested in the writing process. His presentation style is engaging and humorous ...We look forward to another visit and more literary works from this talented author!”
“Wolfgang Parker LOVES cats, his neighborhood and adventure! He graciously shares these passions through his writing and illustrations in the mystery series, Crime Cats: Missing and Crime Cats: The Dusenbury Curse!!! Both books captured our third graders’ hearts and minds and offered many hours of literary fun and inspiration for our own mystery writing. We are patiently awaiting the next installment – perhaps about the cats of Franklinton!!!! Come back, soon!”
“Our students were THRILLED to meet a local author/illustrator and get some insight on Mr. Parker’s writing process. Having the opportunity to connect with an author, who was literally writing about our own backyard, was an invaluable experience for students and staff. Mr. Parker also created a safe space for young writers to express their own fears and struggles about writing. That is very powerful!”